Monday 19 December 2016

Over 120,000 small businesses in Uzbekistan, including more than 4,500 farms, were established and are headed by women

Today, millions of modern women work all over the world, setting a goal to contribute to the well-being of their families, and ensure their stability. According to statistics, the majority of the world's major businesses are represented by women.

Year by year, women in Uzbekistan have been increasingly manifesting themselves in different fields of activity. In many ways, the progress has been facilitated by a strong legal framework that aims at ensuring the full-fledged involvement of the female part of the population in the socio-political, socio-economic and cultural life of the country, and enhancement of the role and status of the weaker gender in society. There are programs to promote women's employment, improve their working conditions and education, especially in rural areas, and engage them in business activities.

Public organizations, state authorities, ministries and agencies, banking institutions have teamed up to achieve the goals. In the first nine months of the current year, commercial banks allocated more than 1.3 trillion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 14.12.2016, 1$= 3203.70 soums) of loans to better involve women in business and support them. The relevant organizations elaborated programs to facilitate the procedure of micro loaning, control commercial banks in the provision of funds, and provide privileges and preferences to women.

Owing to these efforts, Uzbekistan now occupies a leading position among 125 countries in terms of providing women with optimally convenient conditions for the establishment of business and its management. As a result, Uzbekistan’s businesswomen currently contribute significantly to the stability and prosperity of not just their families, but also the country's economy, employing the whole potential and knowledge in manufacturing, services, trade, food industries, animal husbandry, and other dynamically progressive sectors. It is noteworthy that in the majority of cases, new production capacities are located in remote areas of the country, providing employment for the local population, especially women and youth.

Today, the proportion of women employed in the economy has reached 45%. The number of women, who had raised the welfare of the population by their own example and were awarded high state awards, has been growing year after another.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Cisc получил специальный консультативнй статус Экономического и Социального Совета ООН (ECOSOC)

UN Women Central Asia      

В апреле 2016 года Центр Поддержки Гражданских Инициатив (Узбекистан) получил специальный консультативнй статус Экономического и Социального Совета ООН (ECOSOC).
Это третья организация из Центральной Азии, работающая в сфере защиты прав женщин , получившая заслуженное признание на международном уровне.
Центр поддержки гражданских инициатив (ЦПГИ), создан в 2004 году творческими, инициативными людьми с активной жизненной и гражданской позицией. ЦПГИ работает по направлениям, которые затрагивают следующие аспекты деятельности:
· продвижение вопросов равных прав и равных возможностей, повышение гендерной чувствительности гражданского общества;
· охрана материнства и детства, защита репродуктивных прав и репродуктивного здоровья женщин, укрепление института семьи;
· реализация, отчетность и мониторинг Конвенции ООН «О ликвидации всех форм дискриминации в отношении женщин» - CEDAW, обеспечение социального партнёрства и консолидации государственных и общественных организаций республики в вопросах равных прав и равных возможностей женщин и мужчин республики;
· расширение экономических прав и возможностей женщин;
· оказание содействия работе на национальном уровне по подготовке мобилизации национальных партнеров на местном уровне для участия в диалогах и пропаганде вопросов примирения, толерантности и соблюдения обязательств по правам женщин согласно Резолюции СБ ООН 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Sold- Film about Nepal Girl trafficked into Prostitution in India

Agirl risks everything for freedom after being trafficked from her mountain village in Nepal to a brothel in India

              SOLD - 2016 FILM TRAILER -

Friday 4 March 2016


I wish to express my compliments and appreciation for the very modern legal framework in favor of women’ s status and advancement existing in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
I highlight the importance of having equality recognized by the Constitution which together with the numerous decrees and resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Minister represent the institutional mechanisms recognized among the 12 points of the 1995 Platform of Beijing.
I deem also very important the work done by the Representatives of the Republic within the several Commissions related to CEDAW and ILO acting as role model for other Central Asian Countries.
I wish to underline the great work done by HE Mrs. Elmira Basitkhanova-Deputy Prime Minister and Chairperson of the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan and who I had the honor to meet several times.
The Women’s Committee is the engine of the innovations regarding the health care System for women and girls in the field of primary health care, prevention and rural health.
As I could see during my last visit to Uzbekistan, on invitation of the Women’s Committee to the International Conference “The Role of Women in Formation of Civil Society, State and Social Construction: experience of Uzbekistan” last September, in Samarkand, the increased numbers in all spheres of education has led to a higher presence of women in both economical and political governance at all levels: from Mahalla to the National Level (Senate and Legislative Chamber).
The protection of maternal leaves with full pay together with the social facilities for working mothers are also very important in order to reconcile working and private life and create a safe environment in families.
Last but not least, I wish to underline that, beyond the opportunities given to women and girls to receive  education or trainings and to experience decision making positions in politics,  Uzbekistan through its wide system of microcredit and a devoted legislation gives them the opportunity to develop their talents in the field of small and family enterprises.
At the eve of the celebration of the International Women’s Day I wish to express my admiration to all the women of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Maria Ludovica Bottarelli Tranquilli Leali
Lef-Italia Secretary  General



Our country over the years of independent development of has made great strides in protecting the rights and legal interests of women. In the sphere of ensuring their active participation in the socio-political and socio-economic life of the country are no less significant achievements.

First of all, it is necessary to note the work carried out in Uzbekistan in the development of the legal framework in this area. Over the years, the leadership of the country adopted and ratified about 100 national and international legal instruments aimed at protecting the interests of women. Constitution of our country is the cornerstone document that guarantees the fundamental rights of women. The list also includes a number of decrees and resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers, including "On consolidation of women's role in state and social construction", "On additional measures to protect the health of mother and child, the formation of a healthy generation" and many others. The authorities annually receive special state program, under which systematic measures in a certain direction are being carried out. This in one way or another improves the conditions and quality of our women’s life.

In addition, Uzbekistan is one of the first in Central Asia, has ratified a number of UN conventions and the International Labor Organization, such as "On the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women", "On maternity protection", "On discrimination in respect of employment and occupation" and other documents.

Special attention in our country is on the creation of an effective health care system as a priority which is determined by a complex ensuring the health of girls and mothers. To this end, specialized medical centers have been opened throughout the country, which effectively operate an extensive network of primary health care institutions, including rural medical stations. A network of screening centers operates here in Uzbekistan, standing guard over the health of young mothers and babies.

Another area, where our country fully guarantees the right of girls and women to get an education, is an effective system of primary, secondary, and higher education. In addition, educational institutions, professional colleges, academic lyceums and universities of the country are working mostly female professionals.

In order to encourage pupils and students each year in all regions of Uzbekistan, the most gifted of them awarded the State Prize Zulfiya. This measure encourages the girls to a fuller expression of their abilities in the field of science, education, literature and art, as well as gives an opportunity to receive grants to study in higher educational institutions.

These results were achieved through an integrated approach, according to which not only the solid legal foundation has been created, but also effective institutional framework did. As an example, the establishment of a public organization - the Women's Committee of Uzbekistan, which has become a productive mechanism to support this part of population, protection of their rights and legitimate interests.

Everything becomes more active participation of women in governance. In particular, today they account for 17% of the members of the Senate and 16% of the deputies of the Legislative Chamber. At the same time, in recent years, nearly 5-fold increased and indicators of women's representation in the executive branch - from 3.4% to 16%.

It increased the number of members of the fairer sex by creating a women's wing in the country's political parties. Currently, according to the Women's Committee of Uzbekistan, the share of women in the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan grew from 35% to 38%, of the Democratic Party "Milly Tiklanish" - from 40% to 46%, the People's Democratic Party - from 41% to 56%, the Social democratic party "Adolat" - from 38% to 49%.

Increase the participation of women in local government and in the structures of the mahalla. Thus, over the last period their share of the total number of chairmen of mahalla committees increased from 9.6% to 25.6%.

However, it is expanding the role of women in social and economic life of the country. For example, in recent years the share of the beautiful half of our society in the structure of employment has increased from 44% to 45.7%. An increasing number of women entrepreneurs, who opened their business and achieve significant success. According to recent reports, the heads of small enterprises 40.4% and 13.7% of micro-enterprises are the fair sex.

It should also be noted that, taking into account the key role of women in the upbringing of healthy generation, Uzbekistan has adopted a number of acts to provide them with social support programs. In particular, the non-working mothers are paid allowances for child care up to 2 years. In addition, labor contracts include benefits such as financial assistance for women in pregnancy and childbirth, maternity leave until the child 2 or 3 years and a reduction in working hours by one hour in the event of their having children younger than three years.

The formation of our country as a democratic state with a strong civil society is a key factor in the growth of social and political participation of women. It is clear that over the years of independence of Uzbekistan in this direction have already achieved a great deal. Undoubtedly, women have favorable conditions of life, work and education of the younger generation will continue to be a serious tool for achieving them and our country as a whole has great achievements and successes.

Jahon Information Agency